
No physics here (mostly) 🙃

No matter how corrupt, greedy, and heartless our government, our corporations, our media, and our religious & charitable institutions may become, the music will still be wonderful.
Kurt Vonnegut

Just like anyone else, I enjoy good music, good books and good movies. I try my best to make sure I explore as much of these as I can.

You can find a (somewhat) regularly updated list of my current reads here and my current watches here. If you like unfocussed playlists, you can also check out my spotify here.

I am also interested in the history of science and the lives of scientists - particularly, the stories that are often left untold in the mainstream space. To this end, I ran a (short-lived) instagram account that chronicled the lives and work of women involved in various fields of science across history. This was an effort that came out during the early pandemic, and my small way to show that women have always been and continue to be vital parts of science. You can find the account (@women.in.labcoats) here.

I enjoy writing. Some (older) samples of my writing can be found here and here.